Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thai generals cement grip, ousted PM Thaksin urges unity

By Kelvin Goh,
WNS Thailand Bureau Chief

BANGKOK - Thailand's ruling generals cemented their grip on power, as ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said he would take a break from politics and called for national reconciliation. Thaksin's announcement from London Thursday, less than 48 hours after the military seized power in a bloodless coup, indicated he now accepted his five years as Thailand's leader were over. "Event(s) in Thailand during the last two days should not detract from my main aim of national reconciliation," said a statement issued by Thaksin's aides. "We hope the new regime will quickly arrange a new general election and continue to uphold the principles of democracy for the future of all Thais," it said. "Dr Thaksin as of now will take a deserved rest."

The developments consolidated the grip of General Sonthi Boonyaratglin and his council of military leaders, who extended their power by banning all political activities until further notice.
In an announcement on state television, Sonthi and his council of generals also said the auditor general's office would remain open -- clearing the way to investigate the toppled billionaire on corruption charges. Schools, banks and government offices were open again across Thailand after being ordered shut for a day. Fewer troops were on the streets and many people seemed unruffled by the political upheaval. "Everyone is happy," said Chaiyaporn Kurusiripong, 33, a bank employee. "On the first day back I think they will talk about this thing, but they will work as hard as usual."

Sonthi said he had the backing of Thailand's revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej for the coup, after which he annulled the constitution, imposed martial law, banned public gatherings and closed much of the country's land border.


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