Sunday, October 15, 2006

North Korea "totally rejects" UN sanctions

By Lucy Harvey,
WNS New York Correspondent

UNITED NATIONS - North Korea on Saturday said it "totally rejects" UN sanctions imposed after it declared it had conducted a nuclear test, accusing the world body of "double standards". "This clearly testifies that the Security Council has completely lost its impartiality and still persists in applying double standards in its work," ambassador Pak Gil Yon told the Security Council. "It is gangster-like for the Security Council to have adopted today a coercive resolution while neglecting the nuclear threat and moves for sanctions and pressure of the United States," he added.

He further accused the United States of preparing a pre-emptive strike on his country. The Security Council earlier unanimously agreed to impose sanctions on Pyongyang over its nuclear programme, less than a week after the isolated communist regime said it had tested an atomic bomb. US Ambassador John Bolton, sharing the Security Council chamber with Pak, had led the calls for a strong international response to Pyongyang's test and described the resolution as "a strong and clear message" to Pyongyang.


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